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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Video Games + Girls = ?

"Gamer Girls" is what you get when you mix Video Games + Girls, interesting huh?

I've never seen a real Gamer Girl in real life and I wonder why? are they an endangered species? in fact "NO" they just don't have the same skills and abilities to play Video Games like most of the guys.

Yes, A girl can always pick up the controller and push the buttons till she gets tired of dying, after a while she will be so annoyed that she will just give up and put down the controller to do something else.

In the real world Girls always used to play only Puzzle and Easy Platform games till the crude Internet reality showed they can play any other game they wanted although I have never seen it yet.

Most of the Girls I have talked to claim that they play games such as Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of The Colossus, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, God of War, Legacy of Kain, Assassins Creed, Silent Hill and the list goes on and on.

Hold on a second... Are they even aware that the games they have been playing are for guys?!?!?!?!?!?! what happened to those Girls? somebody needs to introduce the Wii to them don't you think?

Don't get me wrong, I love Girls but you can't mix Video Games + Girls together, that just wouldn't work unless they are "Good" at it and I doubt it.

I'm not trying to be mean, I am just telling the truth, Girls do not have enough intelligence to handle those games and besides unlike guys, Girls can't take violence why they can't go back and play Guitar Hero or Super Mario Galaxy like a normal Girl and leave the rest of the games to us.

Imagine the impossible being possible, if you ever see a Gamer Girl just remember those words because it is true, obviously we can't stop Girls from playing but we can encourage them to play something else in the time being...

1 comment:

  1. But.

    It's actually
    fun to
    press buttons
