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Monday, March 29, 2010


It's funny to read comments in the internet written by illiterate Americans who claim that people attracted to teenage girls are "pedophiles".

As far as i know pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children. Teenage girls have already hit puberty a long time ago.

Americans are so full of pedo paranoia, that they can't even think or use words properly.

Heck, soon Americans are going to claim that attraction toward 20 year old girls is "pedophilia". Some of them are stating that already, what a bunch of fucking retarded people seriously.

Age of consent is another topic and does not have anything to do with pedophilia, often people get confused maybe because they didn't go to school or they are just fucking mentally retarded.

It pisses me off when people claim that you are a pedophile just because you like teenage girls, this only happens in the USA, because in Mexico & Canada they don't make such a big deal.

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