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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cousins Where? :P

Yet again another short story involving cousins that I don't even know...

I was in my grandma's house [my other grandma] I went to the next house, my uncle and cousins lived there, one of my cousins [Girl] had Super Mario World and Mortal Kombat 2, of course I was always playing there and sometimes eating, there was 2 cousins one guy and one girl, the guy was older and was always outside playing with his buddies, he allowed me to play with his toy cars and stuff, while my other cousin let me play her Super Nintendo. One day I was playing with the toy cars in a hall and she came with one of her friends [girl] and she asked me "do you want to hear my cannon?" of course it wasn't formal I just can't remember the exactly words, then I said "yes" because I didn't know what was that, she told me to get close to her ass and she farted on my face [note this happened after Lucia's stories so I wasn't surprised] and then her friend laughed her ass off, I told her "what was that?" she said "my cannon" then her friend did the same and left, my cousin said she was playing, she poked my head and gave my candy, it was really awkward to me though. I didn't mind at all, it was just "FUN" I guess...

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