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Sunday, January 24, 2010

My first Sexual Experience :D

I've decided to share some of my Sexual experiences that I've had through the years of my short life, well let's get started!!!

My mom had a friend [neighbor] in another building, [yes I live in an Apartment] we often came to visit her and guess what!! she had a beautiful daughter, I really can't remember her name but she was so sweet and I played so many times with her, I was like 3 or 4 years old, she was the same age or maybe a year younger, Anyway one day we were playing inside her room and our moms were talking in the living room, I suddenly asked her if I could see her pussy and rub it with cream, she said yes with one condition, she wanted to see my dick too, of course I agreed, I closed the door of her room and I took her shorts off, she was smiling and there was it!! for the first time in my life I was seeing a girl's pussy, it was so beautiful at the moment, I smelt her pussy and it stank BUT I didn't care because I really liked it A LOT, the smell was just AMAZING, I rubbed her for a minute then I put cream in my right hand and I started rubbing her pussy, [of course I didn't finger her because at the moment I didn't know anything about that] and it lasted between 10 and 15 minutes probably I'm not sure, I remember she was telling me to take my pants off because she wanted to see me BUT I was enjoying her pussy and touching her belly too, and suddenly all the mood disappeared BECAUSE her mom knocked the door!! she was telling us to open, she put her shorts back on and she ran to the toys section, then I opened the door and she told us to not close the door because it was "dangerous" yes she said fucking dangerous!! it was bullshit, afterwards we didn't do anything because we were scared of her mom finding out... well that's the story, I wish I could get back in time and live that again, too bad her mom interrupted us, I fell in love with that girl, she was just the best and funny, I saw her pooping and peeing in the potty training seat, it was awesome to me, well her mom got pregnant, her newborn brother was already there and they moved to another city, when I asked my mom where were they, she said she doesn't knows, apparently she forgot and it hurts me because I wish I could meet that girl again, I wonder if she remembers me? I wonder what happened to her? I wish I could know but it won't never happen AND I did miss her, I know when she moved out I was 4 or 5 years old BUT still I wasn't stupid, I am human and I have feelings...

oh yeah thank you for reading this, if you liked this, I'm going to post more also feel free to follow me or leave a comment.

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